10 October 2008

Being a President?

Being voted as a president is nothing to brag about and it isn't such a good idea especially in the office. Well.. I used to be presidents of many clubs when I was in school. Back then, the purpose was to make as many friends as possible and also to decorate my academic files in order for me to get a place in one of the local universities. But now? I got the post that many people in my office refuse to get because we have to do it (office activities) without getting paid any single cent. I believe being the president of SRSC is not an intrinsic motivation stuff. It has to be extrinsic, meaning to say, in order for me to do the job, I have to be paid. Hahaha. Well.. what is done has to be done, I guess the one I had in August should be considered as a small achievement as the president of SRSC... please guys... let me go from this post. I don't want it...uhuk uhuk...

My big boss clad in brown baju Melayu celebrating his birthday through the cutting of birthday cake.

This was the last office social event for these two. They've resigned.

These two are my happy go lucky friends.

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