Many of you probably have heard about MV Doulos. It's in Kuching now from 11 Dec 08 until 2 Jan 09 at Sim Khen Hong Port, Pending. This oldest passengers' ship (built in 1914) is now carrying millions of books to be sold areound the world. We call it the floating bookstore.

The port staff riding a bike.

People queing to board the ship.

Even kids were excited to see the ship.

I took the photo and made it old since it was built in 1914.

The front view. Reminded me of Titanic movie.
Probably when I have the time to go inside i'll post another photos.
14 Messages:
best juakk owhh...
mun da masa mok juak mek pegi kohh....
I think in year 2007 this ship has come to Sabah..and yes, I spend more than RM200 hehehehhe
I've never heard about this book fair. Are they coming to Peninsular?
Went to this ship when I was young... Nothing much to see for me.. but the crew was interesting as they are from all over.
I'm going! I'm going! I'm going! See my long-adrift friend who's been volunteering in this ship since 8 years ago. I'm going! Books make nice Christmas presents.
Dygkathy > pergi, jgn sik pergi eh.
CalVB > that money was your contribution to them to continue sailing. Consider it as worth giving. Ahaks!
Bb > U never heard of it? Maybe they will come to you after Kuching.
Cdason > Go again when you are an adult now. Hehehe
One other > pls pay your friend a visit. come i didnt know about it ketinggalan zaman nar juak ku tok..
I remember going there when I was a kid at Rajang Port Sibu :) I am a loyal visitor to the ship....I hope they have online credit card services. ehh.. floating book store..nice!
And bro! I like the way you made the pic nampak oldies hehe XD
Wahh.. BTW nice photo editing
I'm interested but unfortunately may not have the chance. Have never been to floating bookstore before.
yay i kenot wait to head to there!!
Crabhacker > how come? The publicity was quite aggressive.
Desmond > I haven't been into the bookshop yet, only managed to spent my time outside the ship because they had not opened yet when i went there. Planned to go next week on its open day. Wanna join? bring our family together.
Audio & Sara > thanks a lot.
Hamidah > Come to Kuching then.
Sharon > Ahaks!
hi willie, i had volunteered working in the ship (for a week) about 14 years ago in the pantry. had my moments.. i really hope that i can get on board (just as a visitor this time*wink*) at least once before she might be de-commissioned in 2010. if got time, u can read my story ^^
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