
02 July 2010

What's the modern day root of evils?

This entry is labelled as 18SG . And if you read the title, I am not trying to preach here. Just sharing my thoughts. So please read with care... hahaha

Thousands years ago, it was written that...

The root of evil was GOLD
but then, a few decades ago, the root of evil was....
and today...the root of evil is

I keep wondering how men and women can possess bad manners when they drive! From Monday to Friday, I would spend 3 hours on the road and I met a lot of bad drivers on the road.

These drivers...when they drive they become...

Show off drivers (driving like a formula one driver)
Careless drivers (refusing to stop when the traffic light is red)
Suicidal drivers (overtaking when cars are in front)
Selfish drivers (Cutting ques)
Inconsiderate drivers (driving slowly at a fast lane)
Brainless drivers (Park their cars at a small lane causing massive traffic jam)
Stupid drivers (Going out of a junction without looking to the left and right lane)

Now tell me road losers! You think you are so great ah? You think you are the only one got CAR ah?

Is car the ROOT of EVIL Now?
I wonder....

p/s: If you are a non-Malaysian, 18SG means, a movie that is only suitable for 18 years old viewers and the movie contains scenes that are horrifying.


  1. uh~~ ku jarang nmpk tu
    sbb ku penumpang
    tidur ja dlm pjalanan
    heee~ :p

  2. HAha.. Tok mesti ada kenak ngn org kureng aj time driving... Sabar jak bro...

  3. CikGadis :Hahaha kuat tido rupanya.

    Amirfx :Bena madah kitak.

  4. There's drunk driver, the idiot of all. Haha.

  5. agree agree... I am trying not to be those mentioned above. Mana tau satu hari secara tak sengaja jadi mereka pulak. If I drive, I drive 60km/j. I think I won't survive in Kuching driving this slow.

  6. hu...kalo their car kereta juta2 ringgit punya, it's only natural for them to be a show off...ini kereta kancil pun dah kecoh satu dunia.

    some people just dont value life that much i guess.

  7. not surprisingly, there are many nasty drivers on the road.

  8. I doubt...not cars but ourselves.
    Sia pun malas jumpa bad drivers..some opened their doors at a traffic light and spit!

  9. That picture of the car looks so cool, but too bad for me I'm past cars :)

  10. at first i tot u perhabis duit beli kreta baru...lagi idiot when signalling last minute, kenak stroke kali!

  11. iT'S Already famous mah - Malaysians turn to the dark side when they're behind wheel...Ermmm nothing to be suprised :-)

  12. Daniel :Yeah...and the cause danger on the road.

    GhostyNana :Ye la. We need to avoid to be one of those idiots right?

    CeguCarol :Betul tuh. Makin kecil kereta, makin show off. Hahaha

    LifeRamblings :How can we deal with this kinda problem erk?

  13. HoneyBUzz :Kalau boleh diorang tu cabut balik license driving bah.

    OceanGirl :Past car? maksudnya?

    Fonsusz :hahhaa...tiadalah. Kereta lama sajak.

    Rob :Yeah...join the dark side are they? Hahaha

  14. wen will they learn? hahahha

  15. yes, i agree with u.. there are just too many road bullies out there..

  16. Success can be an evil. Especially for people who can't handle success well.

  17. anything too much most esp of any material things...

    btw i hate those dumb drivers!

  18. Tagged you for 8th Photo in my 8th Photo Folder. Do it only if you are free, teacher.

  19. AHHHHhh.... dont get me started on these sort of drivers...

    i'll always curse them..

  20. Willie you are so right! We have the same kind of drivers here in Slovakia and they are party the reason why I'm afraid of driving, as it's not really that I can't drive but more like I don't trust other drivers around me :/


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