
01 July 2010

Not in the capacity...

(The staff photo taken by me)

All these while, I have been doing wedding photography. When my boss asked me to take the staff photo, I was a bit shocked. My DSLR is not really in the capacity of taking large number of people and I do not have a wide angle lens. I was not sure whether I should proceed but finally, I gave it a try just to gain experience.

After the photography session, true enough, the result was below my expectation. However I learned a lot of things from this session. I look forward to studio photography soon.


  1. mcm "sempit" la gambar ni.
    hehe fhm x ni mksud org?

  2. I think I see you on the right side.

  3. not bad lar...very standard size hahaah but maybe a wide angel will be better which i see so often these days

  4. Ok, here I am thinking that all cameras are the same. I thought you can just zoom in and out when taking pictures whether it's one person or a large group. There's so much I need to learn!

  5. jd jurugambar sekolah udah boss??

  6. Cyril > Not really,but i made it clear that they have to pay me. Thank goodness, the principal agreed to this.


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