I was in Bako National Park for a 3-day trip just for self-enjoyment. Not much changes since I visited Bako a few years back. I think the facilities there should be upgraded and the charges for accommodation and transportation are slightly higher than before. Well, when planning to go there, make sure it is not at the end of the year because the sea will be quite rough. The natural beauty really captured my heart. I love the sightseeing and also the jungle trekking.
Me, standing in front of the Bako National Park trademark.

The nearest river in Bako. Sg Rayu. However, the river is quit small.

Walking to the edge of the rock to view the sea.

Using boat as a mean of transportation.

Rock climbing at Paku Beach.

Yesterday, it was announced that the SPM result is already out. I went to SMK Serian to have a look at people's results, particularly my nieces and nephews. Hahaha Kay-Poh-Chi (busy body) or not?. Our local newspaper reported that SPM results this year is much better as compared to last few years. Even rural schools are improving.
Now, visiting SMK Serian brings back a lot of memories. I was from this school. I miss the life there.
Now, visiting SMK Serian brings back a lot of memories. I was from this school. I miss the life there.
22 Messages:
wah! cambest jak Bako ya...
From my point of view, the last pic is kinda sentimental :).. i was from girl school willie.I don't know if you've ever heard of Saint Elizabeth? It is in Sibu.
Bes Bako eh! Mek lom penah gi sia gik ko. Willie, gamba nok nomo 5 ya kedak plakon Industan berposing rah batu jak. Ekeke.
wHITETuliP > sgt best. bukan macam best agik. You should go lah. Rugi sik pergi.
Nur Enjel > Since i am not from Sibu, so memang sik pernah dengar. Hahaha... tapi memang byk kenangan manis di sekolah ya.
Si PEnconteng > KEdak industan kah aku? Ku ingat kedak Brad Pitt tadik. Cheh!
Mr Willie, did u spend the nite in Bako or only day trip..i've never been there..
ooppsss..ya..u said 3-day trip..what was i thinking..hehe..berbaloi ka if i go there for day trip only..??
never been there but bako's national park is definitely in my must GO places plan
hmm.. I never been to Bako.. hehe... Looks fun la.. :)
saya pun tidak pernah pergi Bako... nampak macam best la pulakk...
Kat bako national park eh. bestt ehek. Masih gik sik dak kerak n babi utan merayau2 area resort sia? ehek
hahaa....di mana jg tu? smartnya tu tempat.. :)
i never been there...the problem is when? ...so jakun aku tok!
You're fond of going places and sharing reviews with us.Old school brings back old memories.Good for you and thanks for sharing.:)
mok pegila bako kelak... mcm best jak... hehehe :D
Hahh!.. I still remember that rock climbing photo.. he he.. I wish can go there 4 the 2nd time,last time was back in 1992..I guess all the bachelor monkeys over there had their own family now aha ha!!
hmm bako ooo aku pernah sekali jak sampe rah bako..
mmm....sekali jak nait bot ke bako temankan kazen kmk ngagak gereknya zaman dolu2(tahun 90-an la..).mesti dah sangat banyak berubah..hehe..rasa tua jak...yang pasti lebih mudak dari nurenjel... hehe..
bro willie,
thanks dah listkan nama blog kmk kat blog u....kmk dah buat perkara yang sama.. ;)
hi all,
I have read all your comments. Thanks for commenting. Since i was away for too long, i won't be able to respond to your comments individually. Glad you guys like Bako. Of course the wild boar and monkeys are still there.
Chel Rinj > You will need more than a day to go there.
Malaysia is a wonderful place. I really enjoy you sighseeing pics.
Ssembonge > Pls come over.
Orang serian duhal :P
Hi Willie,
mintak tolong lok...
Aku maok gi Bako NAtional Park next week ngan my member from peninsular.
Mok nanyak something..
1) ko makey pakej ka? or just dtg jak terus di Bako nun...
2) Ko makey kreta?, parking kat jetty bako ka?
3) Brapa ringgit makey Boat ke Bako?
4) Ko makey tempat tinggal ney...? brapa ringgit semalam...
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