I hate to say that 2008 is not a good year for me. I was tested until the very last moment of the year, until december. I am praying for strength and patience.
Bad incident 1:
I was involved in a minor accident but a major budget.

Guess how much i had to pay for a new side mirror? RM300. There goes my Christmas present.
Bad incident 2:
I lost my cellphone charger. Had to buy a new (low quality) one. Cost me RM18 (2 days meal) And the taukey refused to give me discount. @%&$#@(@)@_
15 Messages:
Havva Great year ahead!
everything happen for a reason...=)
Maybe it is a sign..maybe 2009 u will get more luck!! Me.. 2008 is a sorrowful year to me.. huhuuuuu..
Only two?
*evil grin*
Its just a small and common financial loss that we all experienced one way or the other my friend. I'm sure you have some blessings to count for the year.
RM300 for a new side mirror? That sucks! dont tell me they come in pairs and u have to purchase the whole set? Aduh... what car is this anyway willie?
Mummy > looking forward to it.
DygKathy > I hope so.
C.alVB > 2008 is sorrowful to me too.
Sumuk > Two that cost me Rm318.00. The rest..of course i didn't mention it in the blog.
Hamidah > extraordinary for me. RM318 is an unnecessary loss.
Oneother. Yes..the whole set.
Biar badluck comes 1st.. insyaallah goodluck will come kemudian. Probably its a good sign that 2009 will bring you goodluck! XD
Lol. Minor accident, major budget.
Audio > I hope so.
Ssembonge > yes. the replacement part is expensive.
lor sian willie ...
dont worry the sun will always shine after the rain . Im sure 2009 will be a very ong year for u ..
Willie I am truly sorry to hear what you said.. I didn't know. Now that you've mention, I am sorry for the loss..
Miss moon > I am waiting for a better year. hopefully it is 2009.
Sumuk > it's okay.
erk....my car problems cost more than that this year... :)
but like others said, things happen for a reason...
all in all, 2008 is for me a great year. I'm sure gonna miss this year...
Damn screw ups in the year 2008 I guess.
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