One of the bloggers called me up for a drink. I agreed. So, we had a drink at BDC. What caught our attention was this shop, Green Gallery, in BDC Kuching. I noticed they sell a lot of home decorations and everytime there is a festive season, they will sell plenty of them. I am really amazed with what they can offer. But, you know right? I couldn't buy any of the decoration. Will feel guilty later. Heheh.

Chrstmas trees for sale on the pathway.

Christmas decorations on the staircase.

Flowers for home decoration.

More stuff to decorate your house. The presentation of what they sell really amazed me. Geee
16 Messages:
Mesti blogger ya Mama Belian n Cengal nak?? Hehehe.. Sarawak nang happening mun krismas...
Its ME ;-)
belum berkesempatan agi kmk dua berjumpa.. he he he. Willie, that place mmg happening..a lot of interesting things...
merry xmas hehe b4 xmas, i raye dulu this monday =)
To your question the 10th Wedding Anniversary is the Tin... look at this link :)
Kahirul > Bukan bro. Nicksuneo.
Mama > Lain kali kita lepak di sana k?
Mummy > Selamat beraya.
Desmond > Thanks for the link
byk barang best kat kede tok.
lamak nya sik pegi green gallery! best eh xmas di kchhh! meriah lalu jak green gallery..
have a nice day!
I do minimal decorating during Christmas... but its nice seeing shops and malls being decorated nicely.
Ivyanna > Gerenti byk punyer.
Zaza > pls pay a visit.
Cdason > Yup
wow... meriah! wanawani...
willie, belikan semuanya.. he.he..
u couldnt buy because u will feel guilty? over what?
...that place sell nice antique cupboards, and plush carpets.
Hi willie! juak blog u. Nice pictures!.. suk nangga kch happening eh hehe. I'll link your address in my blog too XD
Manan > thanks.
One Other > there's something.
Audio > No problem. Thanks. Go Dubai Go !
xmas mood on d block...i think it's not too early to wish u and family merry xmas!
Tikiyung > why not. Merry Christmas 2 u too.
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