
04 February 2018

Before Mobile Phones, There Were Roosters

Before the mobile phones, were roosters! Yes! it was roosters that woke people up from their beds. We depended on them every morning. And then, there were alarm clocks, but today, everything depends on smart phones. They are so smart that we have become too dependent on them to manage our routines. It's suffice to say, without them, life becomes slightly inconvenient.  
Look at how we use smart phones right now. We save phone numbers in them, we set the alarm clock, we take photos with them, we subscribe to the internet so that we can remember friends and family's birthday through Facebook, we send wishes and greetings through WhatsApp, we send documents through emails. Basically, we had given our lives for phones to manage.

Has smart phones improve our quality of life? Yes, if we use them correctly and no if we abuse them. Even though, I own a smartphone, I make sure it doesn't affect my quality time with my family and friends. I still go for outdoor activities and put aside my phone when meeting friends face to face. 
It is so annoying to look at people who are so engrossed with their phones when they are at dining table or at a social function. Some young couples don't talk to each other on a date. Oh pity them. They've missed the real meaning of love. 

Anyway, don't let smartphone control our life yeah?

Signing off.


  1. Aku jenis yang jarang bergantung dgn alarm clock, normally akan automatik bangun kedirik, unless I have an earlier flight to catch baru la terpaksa letak alarm.

  2. Miss the rooster crows! Haha.

    I am too relying on handphone. Alarm, reminder, etc. But I agree with you. Dont let it control you. And spend time with family and friends. Talk with real person. Not with handphone.

    1. Yes. The person in front of us is more important than then phone. Coz they come all the way to meet u in person.

  3. bab alarm reminder tu memang skrg dah bergantung pada phone

  4. I need my phone to cari makan.
    I can even blog and write articles with my phone 😝

    1. Wah. Very useful. I can't write my blog guna phone. Too small.

  5. Technology blurring the line of personal and work life... Sigh...

  6. Ya lor... annoying habits play fon on dining table.

  7. young couples don't talk to each other on a date because they are busy using smartphones online messaging each other so that the person sitting at the next table cannot eavesdrop on their conversation.

  8. hahaha
    itu lah
    padahal dulu2 masa tak ada phone boleh jer bangun awal

  9. wow, going international sudah ya.


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