30 August 2010

Street Photography In a Different Town

Gee...I missed the photography outing (street photography) organised by Sarawak bloggers, but I'm sure they had a blast shooting people randomly and it looks like Norman is the first one to blog about it. Just click at his name to read about the event.

Well... on the same day, I had my own street photography at my hometown too but I was alone. Heheheh...It was late in the evening when I saw lots of birds flying, trying to settle down on the electric cables to sleep. So I decided to snap photos of them. I set my ISO to the max 1600. And guess what? Still got noise. I think it is time for me to get a better DSLR. What do you think?

Another reason for noise is probably due to the timing. It was a bit too dark. Should have taken the photos earlier. Hehehe

25 Messages:

lina said...

Wah! So many birds! Reminds me of my own hometown.

rainfield61 said...

That's no end to upgrade everything we are having.. only money matters.

cyrildason said...

We'll organize another one someday soon ;-)


Pete said...

Wah, so many swallow bird...nice pics!

Faizal n Fashitah said...

Tukar jak DSLR bagus gik.. jangan sik tukar hehe. I might buy one probably by end of this year XD


Again your creativity shine as usual - do drop by my posting on Departures (alliance review) & let me think on my review about you(if you're agreeable to it) :-D

manglish said...

waaaaaaaaaaa........so many birds!!! a little dark though...but arent all birds are after a certain number of years?hahahhaha.....

Anonymous said...

I thought those black dots were debris being blown about in the storm.

My slr cannot take ISO 1600 too. Images produced contains noticeable noise.

I am considering upgrading to a 5D Mark II with a L-series lens.

Willie a.k.a Reptoz said...

lina :Oh yeah? Where's your hometown? Raub? Must be fun looking at those birds right?

Rainfield :yeah...and i want to upgrade....hahaha

cyril :That's cool...

Pete :Thanks Pete

PejaL :Beli pok jgn sik beli.

Willie a.k.a Reptoz said...

Rob :A Review? a you sure? as long not negative la. If negative i will sue. Muahahahah!

Manglish :hmmm...not good at that. do not know how many years.

MeiTeng :That will be good.

Anonymous said...

Nice picture...remind me of Steven King movies..

AmirFX said...

Gambar burung ya kedak d Gambier road jak.. Betul ka?!

AmirFX said...
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erolnukman said...

yeahh..tukar jak..hehehe!
gmbar kat atas ya brapa ISO setting kau?

Norris Thomas said...

aku pun miss eh...saturday bagus..sunday go to church le...
willie..Buy d90~!

nicksuneo said...
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nicksuneo said...

Willie, any photo-blog on university graduation yg boleh disuggest to me? I need some idea for lovely pose with friend on her graduation this coming oct, i mean utk photo studio. By the way, any program on tententen (10 oct 2010)? I will be in Unimas. Just nak nanya if u available for photo shooting on that day, apa lagi... taking my photo. I guess my digital camera is just ordinary, n it will become too ordinary if unknown people with no photography's talent menggunakannya to take my photo. Thank you in advance :-)

Willie a.k.a Reptoz said...

MrDuey :hi. Thanks.

Amir :Salah bro. Di pasar Serian.

ErolNukman :aok. Ku mok nanga budget lok.

Norris :memang nak meli D90. Sunday mesti gi church bro. hahaha!

Nick :K. settle.

erolnukman said...

yup..D90 pun ok..stakat tok ISO 1000 masih ok...kadang2 1600.hehehe!

Bengbeng said...

yes, so many birds and definite there will b blessings from the sky when evening comes... :)

Willie a.k.a Reptoz said...

Erol :Ya kah? best lah mun cam ya.

Bengbeng :Dats true.

SJB aka SUELYN J-B. said...

It's bit too dark but still looks nice.

Ayie said...

what a happy kid! The smile, priceless!

RoseBelle said...

That is ALOT of birds you got there. I don't know much about photography but enjoying looking at pictures you post. I hear that the DSLR is very popular amongst photographers now. And isn't it expensive too?

Robin Wong said...

Try not to look at photography in terms of noise, sharpness and all the technicalities the crowd is trying to push you into thinking.

Technicalities help you to get your shot right, but a real photograph that truly shines may be out of focus, full of noise. Why? because it has a significant meaning behind it, a depth of ideas and sense of emotions overflowing through it.

Also, I agree with rainfield61.

There is no end to upgrading and lusting for better cameras. Just use what you have, and start pushing greater and greater images out of it. Photography is not about what the camera can do, it is about what the photographer can do. Your best weapon is your photography vision.