
11 July 2010

Dinner at Kingwood Inn Kuching

(Kris and his new Canon Eos 50D)

Last Sunday, Kris called us up for a dinner at Kingwood Inn. I did not read my SMS carefully and I went to the wrong hotel. I waited at Kuching Park instead and thought that we were the first one to arrive. Hahaha... But when we called him up, he said we were supposed to go to Kingwood Inn.

Upon arrival, Kris waited for us at the entrance. We were served with 8-course dinner and We sincerely think that the food was superb! I think in future, if anyone would like to organize a special function, please consider Kingwood Inn.
My wife is really good at judging food. Unlike her, I am a type of a person who does not really care about taste. Maybe I am a quantity conscious type of a person. But when my wife said the food was delicious, I agreed with her because I knew her judgement on food is always better than mine.
During the dinner, my son loved to run around the table. That was because we were the only family who was there. So, he was not shy of doing so. But according to Kris, Kingwood Inn was packed with tourists that morning because they were attending the Rainforest World Music Festival on Saturday night.

And oh those bloggers who attended the festival, hope you guys enjoyed it so much. Can't wait to read your blogs.

Adios! God Bless!


  1. Tahniah pada Kriss sbb ada kemre baru.. 50D ya.. fuhhhh.. dasyat.. Hehehe gineylah pandei salah tempat kekeke...

  2. Talking about not reading a SMS carefully, that happened to me few days ago too :D And you are lucky to have your wife who knows how to appreciate the taste of food :)

  3. i think ur son looked like ur wife a lot :)

  4. Kaljis :Ya. Suka hati member. Hahaha...salah tempat? Ney tauk nya. Hahaha

    SJB :Ya kah?

    Lucia wife is good at appreciating food.

    MAnglish :Really?

  5. Wah, that's a cool looking camera. :)

    I bet your son would love to play more if there are other kids around too. ;)

  6. wah best ada bau kedai la benda pegang kris ya..ehehehehe 5oD wooo

  7. Kamek lum pernah makan kat sia gik :(
    Kenak kamek sik pernah dapat jemputan kawin kat sik ho..erm...

  8. juak rupa aku possing ngan camera baru..

  9. Apa menu yg best??.. Name a few lah willie.. nnt pegi sana senang terus order..

  10. wahhh...krisno dah ada bini baru....lebih mantop!hahahaha....

  11. Cool, can run around the place....that reminds me Rainforest fest....

  12. Lina :Yes. His cousins were there. Hahaha

    Norris :Iya...bau kadai. hahahah

    Gallivanter :Seasons greetings. Hahahaa

    Ivynana :Kamek pun first time.

    Krisno :Best . memang best.

  13. Life Kris yg order. Aku enda tahu.

    Erolnukman :Bini yg lebih mahal. Muahahah

    Pete :Rainforest? Hahahah.

  14. So nice of your friend to buy you dinner. Your wife's a foodie eh? My family loves eating good food too.

  15. bestlah bro dapat makan ngan famili.. hehe ;-)


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