16 July 2010

Hari Permuafakatan

What is Hari Permuafakatan? To those of you who do not have kids studying in school yet, you might not know what "Hari Permuafakatan" is. Basically, it is a report card day. The day where teachers will meet the parents to inform them about their children's academic performance in school and to discuss on their classroom behaviour.(Leha and I waited for our drinks)

Since becoming a teacher, this is my first time meeting with parents face to face to talk about their children. I was excited about it because it was a golden opportunity for me to tell them about their kids misbehavior (if any). Furthermore, most parents would be interested to know how their kids behave in class. (My colleagues with their "Kailan" vegetables)

The best part about Hari Permuafakatan is the sale. There were a lot of food stalls opened on that day, selling fresh food and local delicacies. The respond was extremely well until all the food and vegetables were sold out. I look forward to this kind of activity next year.

10 Messages:

Lucia ♡ said...

We also have this kind of even here in Slovakia :) I was always worried my mom would come back home saying that my teacher told her I wasn't a good student, even though I knew I was a well behaved child :D

manglish said...

hahahaah 3 bouquets of kailan

Norris Thomas said...

hey hoo...mun aku mesti aku sibuk meli sayur lepas jumpa cikgu2..ehehehe....
mesti best...mcm sure heboh jak

Bengbeng said...

i have not attended any of these sessions where my son is concerned. :( i love too but it is always held on a working day for me too

lina said...

I didn't know report card day is called Hari Permuafakatan. LOL

Haven't missed any of the event to meet my son's class teacher yet. I find it good to meet them and talk to the teachers.

lina said...

What a great idea to combine report card day with a sale!

Anonymous said...

It's not easy having to inform parents of their children's misbehaviour isn't?

Anonymous said...

Eh..nampak seronok jak hehe..

Willie a.k.a Reptoz said...

Lucia :Hahaha...it's normal that a child will feel nervous when teachers are going to inform their parents on their behaviour.

Manglish :Yeah...3 bouquets.

Norris :Sama la. Aku pun sibuk beli sayur sebelum habis ri ya.

BengBeng :Oh yeah. We had it on Saturday.

Lina :you didn't know? What do they call it over there then?

MeiTeng :Yeah...good parents will accept but not the stubborn ones. Hahaha

Krisno :memang seronok.

SJB aka SUELYN J-B. said...

We call here, Parent Teacher Interviews hehehe.